Thursday, 16 January 2020

Turku City Art Collection on Another Continent | 在另一大洲的圖爾庫城市藝術典藏

”The First International Urban Art Exchange”. A Screen in the cityscape of Wellington, NZ. On the screen is shown the artwork Honey Bear (2011) by Susanna Majuri belonging to the Turku City Art Collection. Photo: Andrew Hagen / UAF.
The new decade is off to a good start, as 120 artworks belonging to the Turku City Art Collection are displayed on another side of the globe, in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, in January 2020.

International Urban Art Exchange is the first digital art exchange initiative of its kind.  The concept was created by the Urban Art Foundation operating in Wellington, New Zealand. Other partners in this project are The Museum Centre of Turku, Arts Promotion Centre Finland and the Video Art Festival Turku (VAFT).

Works belonging to the Turku City Art Collection and the video art curated by the VAFT are presented together with the New Zealander art on digital advertisement displays in the cityscape, in 18 shopping malls across New Zealand and in the gallery space of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts in Wellington from the 18th of January to the 9th of February.  In the summer 2020, the same set of art from Finland and New Zealand will be showcased in Finland, on the large screen outside the Turku City Theatre. 

The purpose of this project is to bring art to urban public spaces and to introduce people to art from across the world. The photographs of Finnish artworks are mainly contemporary art made by Turku-based artists, from the early 2000s to this very day. The display includes works from artists such as Susanna Majuri, Annika Dahlsten, Markku Laakso, Minna Sjöholm, Sirpa Särkijärvi, Sampsa Sarparanta, Ulla-Maija Kallinen and Heikki Marila. Works by Wäinö Aaltonen, Jussi Mäntynen and Manno Kalliomäki represent the art collection’s classics from the early 20th century to 1980’s.

Minna Sjöholm: Passing By II, 2007, Turku City Art Collection. Photo: Raakkel Närhi.
Video artworks presented by the VaFT are Artor Jesus Inkerö’s Swole (2017), where he continues his ongoing 'holistic bodily project', examining bodybuilding and bodily transformations and Laburo (2017) by Henrik Malmström which documents workers and work in Buenos Aires.

Themes of artworks from the Turku City Art Collection range from images of everyday life to motifs concerning nature, the Finnish mentality and social issues. For instance, the passing impressions of Minna Sjöholm's impeccably executed paintings depict the blue moment of a late autumn or winter day and the flashing lights cast by the city traffic. Susanna Majuri's works, on the other hand, are set in the realms of Finnish nature, mythology and mysticism.

Susanna Majuri, Swan, 2011, Turku City Art Collection. Photo: Mikko Kyynäräinen.

Ringa Takanen
Researcher / Curator
The Museum Centre of Turku


「首屆國際都市藝術交流」──紐西蘭威靈頓一角街景,螢幕上顯示了屬於圖爾庫的城市藝術藏品:蘇珊娜‧瑪沃利 (Susanna Majuri) 的作品 《熊》(Honey Bear, 2011)  / 圖:安德魯‧哈根 (Andrew Hagen / UAF.)

20201月,120件屬於圖爾庫的城市藝術典藏將在地球另一端 紐西蘭首府威靈頓展出,為新世紀帶來美好開始。

「國際都市藝術交流」(International Urban Art Exchange) 為首次的數碼藝術交流。概念由都市藝術基金(Urban Art Foundation) 發起並由紐西蘭威靈頓市政府聯舉辦。此計劃亦由圖爾庫博物館中心 (Museum Centre of Turku)、芬蘭藝術推廣中心 (Arts Promotion Centre Finland)及圖爾庫影片藝術節 (Video Art Festival Turku)協辦。


是次計劃主要目的為推廣藝術品至街上,並介紹來自世界各地的藝術。攝影方面的作品主要是圖爾庫由2000年代至今的當代藝術作品。在此之中,圖爾庫城市藝術藏品包括下列藝術家:蘇珊娜‧瑪沃利 (Susanna Majuri) 、安妮卡‧戴斯登 (Annika Dahlsten) 、馬古‧拉索 (Markku Laakso) 、米娜 舒約康 (Minna Sjöholm) 、斯柏 薩奇也菲 (Sirpa Särkijärvi) 、森薩‧薩巴蘭他 (Sampsa Sarparanta) 、烏娜邁也‧ 卡烈能 (Ulla-Maija Kallinen) 、希傑 瑪利拉 (Heikki Marila) 。此外,亦同時展出一些經典藝術館藏如威諾 阿爾托 (Wäinö Aaltonen) 、尤西 曼都 (Jussi Mäntynen) 及曼諾 卡利奧瑪奇 (Manno Kalliomäki) 等藝術家之作品。

米娜 舒約康 (Minna Sjöholm)《經過II(Passing By II, 2007)  圖爾庫城市藝術典藏 / 圖:拉奇爾‧那希(Raakkel Närhi)

圖爾庫影片藝術節(VAFT) 展出的影片作品為阿托 耶蘇 恩奇略 (Artor Jesus Inkerö) 的作品《壯》(Swole, 2017)。恩奇略在作品中繼續他的「全面身體計劃」,探索健身與身體轉化之關係。而亨利‧馬爾士創 (Henrik Malmström) 的作品 Laburo(2017) 則紀錄了在布宜諾斯艾利斯的工人與工作。

由日常生活影像乃至探討自然、芬蘭精神性與社會問題等,圖爾庫城市藝術藏品題材廣泛。以米娜 舒約康 (Minna Sjöholm)為例,藝術家在其作品中以稍縱即逝的印象,描繪出晚秋的城市、交通光影與無瑕的憂鬱時刻。而蘇珊娜‧瑪沃利 (Susanna Majuri)則再次在其作品中描繪芬蘭的大自然、神話及神秘主義。

蘇珊娜瑪沃利 (Susanna Majuri):《天鵝》(Swan, 2011)  圖爾庫城市藝術典藏 / 米高顧那拉能 (Mikko Kyynäräinen)

鈴嘉‧戴加能 (Ringa Takanen)
研究員 (典藏)
