First I had to deal with the interview materials from artists who participated in this project. And then I designed posters that show the interview result, also a leaflet with useful websites for immigrant artists. I also contacted artists by e-mail, and translated some texts into traditional Chinese for ‘Kansalaistila’.
In event days (22.3–24.3.2017) of ‘Kansalaistila’, I was there to talk to artists and guests with my co-workers. In ‘Kansalaistila’, except for the posters of interview results with artists with immigrant background, there was also a ‘Story wall’ that let people put on pictures or drawings of objects that are important to them. This is corresponding to the ‘1001 stories about objects’ exhibition for the project.
It was a great opportunity for me to work in the museum and the project. My co-workers are nice people and I have learnt a lot from them.
Ching Lam
Thousand and One Interpretations on Collection Objects) 的實習。這次我的工作主要關於在「市民工間」(Kansalaistila) 舉行的移民藝術家資訊日。(「市民空間」在圖爾庫的Forum購物中心內 )
在「市民空間」的活動日中 (22.3–24.3.2017),我與同事們一起與藝術家及其他來賓對話與溝通。在「市民空間」中,除了展示移民藝術家的訪問海報外,亦有一「故事牆」供參加者張貼對他們來說重要的物品的圖片或繪畫。這亦是相應「館藏物件的一千零一種詮釋」計劃。