Friday, 3 February 2017

Removing and Reusing Hair

Work and professions were the theme of workshops arranged with our Daisy Ladies group of immigrant women. One of our Iraqi participants picked a reel of thread as her object. However, she was not a seamstress but instead she demonstrated her skills as a cosmetologist. In the video she removes hair from the face of a volunteer with the help of thread.

 Collection of the Museum Centre of Turku also contain objects and images having to do with hair and cosmetic care.


A number of objects previously belonging to Turun hiusalan yrittäjät have recently been cataloged into the museum collections. This is a Grieser hair-styling kit from approximately the 1930s.
Cultural historical objects collection of the Museum Centre of Turku.

Photographer H. Attila has captured the staff of a hairdressers-barbers salon by their work stations in this photograph taken on 21 April in 1935. The photograph was taken in Turku, possibly at a salon located at Yliopistonkatu 10 b.
Photography collection of the Museum Centre of Turku.

This African comb, carved from a single piece of wood, ended up in the museum collection from the confectionary factory Hellas Oy. In 1948, it was found in a sack of cocoa beans that had come from the Gold Coast, Africa.
Cultural historical objects collection of the Museum Centre of Turku.

Hair has been used as a decorative element in intricate pieces of jewellery as in this brooch from the beginning of the 19th century. The brooch is currently on display in the Turku Castle.
Cultural historical objects collection of the Museum Centre of Turku.

In Kaisu Koivisto’s artwork called Villi (‘Wild’), from 1997, long horsehair sprouts out from underneath the seat of a spoke chair. This piece of contemporary art belongs in the Turku City Art Collection.